Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The good and the bad: Part 3.

Tuesday | December 28, 2010

4 days before 2011.

SEPTEMBER 2010. Can’t recall. Can’t recall. Can’t recall.

AUGUST 2010. Madami sa mga kakilala ko ang may birthday. Unfortunately, I didn’t have presents to any of them. Haha. August. Really random month.

August 5, 2010. My 5 months old cellphone was snatched. Aw. I don’t want to talk about it. *sigh*

August 7, 2010. This is it. THIS IS REALLY IS IT. Hahahahahaha. It was the UPCAT day. I’m one of the 60,000+ who took up the University of the Philippines College Admission Test. Gawd. It’s really... Ugh. I’m.. I’m speechless. Haha, kidding.

Well, did you know that I’m one of those ‘early birds’? I’m afraid to come late and failed to take the test. J After few hours of waiting, someone found me while I’m standing on the corridor. Finally, I got someone whom I can talk up to. It’s AJ, he’s a batch mate. He’s also there to take the UPCAT. Then, after exchanging some talks the proctor told us to fall in line.

We start the examination. It was Language Proficiency, Science, Mathematics, and Reading Comprehension. Just think of how much my mind was tortured before it got to those boring paragraphs. Urgh... Haha. That was my first entrance test in college and to be honest, I’m really pressure. It was a time-pressure exam.

August 27, 2010. We won the 1st place in Buwan ng Wika’s Talking Tableau. If you want to watch the winning piece of our section, here’s the link.

August 31, 2010. =’(

JULY 2010. Of course, I’m excited for my birthday! Hahaha. Well, it was posted here. By the way, it’s also my friends’ birthdays. July 1 for Steven and July 3 for Luziel.

Mind my Business. Ü

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