Friday, December 17, 2010

FunFun Friday!

Hey Army,

I lost my control, especially my control for my emotions. :)

Yesterday was a big boom. It was terrific. It was my last Christmas party in High School. Everything last, my English teacher said. Yes, it was. Everything last but we have to accept facts like that. Okay, let's move on. It was 3 hours of exciting moments; games, gifts, everything, it was FULL.. and it was fun. I was an energetic player that day but my being HB all day is unavoidable. I didn't control my emotions, freaky. Then, after exchanging gifts and taking pictures the party was over but the fun is not.

12Noon. We jump on to our vehicle and travel to reach Pasay and take a break at Star City. Excited much? Yes, I did. I only have 4 hours of rest because of that gimmick.

Hot headed and hot feelings. We even thought of sana hindi na tayo nag-star city, dapat nag-SM na lang tayo and dapat nag-swimming na lang tayo. Hopefully, we reached Pasay. We consumed our 2 hours in road. Over. Then, we gathered moneys and I was the appointed one to buy tickets. After getting to entrance, we directly went to restroom to have some re-touch. Then after that, we started riding the rides and entering those house or stuffs like Gabi ng lagim, etc.

First stop: Blizzard. :) Even before (when I was younger), blizzard is always the first one that we're riding. Blizzard is fun, it appeased my body.

After blizzard, we enter 3 haunted house, the tunnel, pirates, and many more.. We rode in the Wild river, Viking, Pirate of the Carribean, and Ferris Wheel.

Last stop: Ferris Wheel. :) I don't know why I got nervous. Ako lang yata ang nilalang na sumigaw nun ferris wheel. I did shout to overcome my nervous and it was effective, it is. After how many rotations I can even look down on the ground without being giddy. It was my last ride. With my friends, my fellows.

Unfortunately, we have to go home after the last ride and 'unfortunately' we have to commute. The most difficult part of the day&night is the part where the jeepneys are all full and we can't even get into it. We scattered on the that part. We need to go home even we're not together. Then, we did go home.

1:07AM. We reached our home. I lay down and sleep. Zzzzz.


Mind my Business.Ü
Yes, Keltie's Signature.

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