Friday, December 24, 2010

He's a one person.

Thank you so much! Any message to our readers?
(To my readers:) I didn’t write “those” quotes. I am just one person. I am not yet dead. Buy my books. Buy other Filipino books. Read them all. (To Filipino book readers:) Buy Filipino, read Filipino. No matter how highly you think of international writers, you still owe local authors support because you are a Filipino. Don’t take pride in the quantity and quality of books you read, take pride in what those books have made you. And regardless of your beliefs, no self-respecting book lover should pass up on the experience of reading the Bible from cover to cover at least once. Thanks. Happy New Year! - Bob Ong

From Q&A: Bob Ong


Can I bold everything? Haha. Oh, guys. Try to read and scan it clearly. Well, Bob says it all. And the reference is just up above. In the "From Q&A: Bob Ong" part.
I just can't ignore those message (quotes) where I can find Bob Ong's name at the end. It makes me super irritable. It's not him guys! Understood?

HB attack. Hahahaha. => Anyways, Happy Holiday to everyone!
Here's for you. From my talented JamLi SOCO Family: Click this.

Mind my Business. Ü

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