Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The good and the bad: Part 4.

Wednesday | December 29, 2010

3 days before 2011. Today is my mom’s birthday! :))

DECEMBER 2010. My last intramurals in HS. December 6-13, 2010. My best friend and I were chosen to become the participants in badminton doubles. Unfortunately, we only got the third place. But it’s fine. Our section got a lot of medals from different indoor games. We also got 4 trophies. Volleyball girls and boys got the second place. We got second place on best muse and champion for basketball.

My last Christmas party in HS. December 17, 2010. “I’m so excited. I just can’t hide it.” Hindi ako mapakali the day before our Christmas party. I only slept for 3 hours.

An unusual but ordinary Christmas. December 25, 2010. Unlike the old times, we didn’t have any Christmas reunion or what.
We just attend the Saturday mass, eat lunch at home, and watch movie at mall. That’s it. It was fun.

NOVEMBER 2010. 11.16.10 is Sir Marcky’s birthday. We’re planning to have a surprise party for him.

We heard about the news that there is no class on his birthday. The government scheduled it as holiday.

Before my adviser’s birthday, my classmates made a mistake. They always do this. My adviser was so disappointed. He told us that we must stop/cancel whatever we plan to do. But no matter what, we still continue. We found out that the teachers will stay on the school in 16 for some reason.

11. 16. 10 was fun. :))

OCTOBER 2010. It was ANNlimiteds Halloween Party but because I do not have money for fees and travels, I didn’t attend. :(

October 29, 2010 is my sister’s 18th birthday.

Mind my Business. Ü

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