Saturday, June 18, 2011

First week

I've been in a week on this university and it feels good that I gained new friends, new ambiance, new mentors, etc. In this four days of schooling, I'm trying my very best to deeply understand the lessons, the way the professors teach, and the way that I will get along with others... Though, we're still on the adjustment period.

And I missed internet connection like hell! I don't even get the chance to stay online for so long because I'm adjusting. I will still update my site as long as I can. As of now, with the probability of 80%, I'm studying. 10% blogging, tweeting, facebook-ing, and so on. And the last 10% is all about getting addicted to Ryan Higa's TEEHEE. :)

And yes, no classes on Monday but I'm still busy. Anyway, Happy 150th birth Anniversary to Jose Rizal!

Mind my Business. Ü

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