Saturday, March 19, 2011

Senior Year movie

Aside from our movies last year and this year for the Filipino subject, I haven't watch any indie film before. And this was the first time that I did. We watched Senior Year this afternoon. But... when we enter the cinema, the movie was already starting, that was their last "filming" of that show... and we were like *ughhhh*

First, I want to give kudos to those who contributed and support the film no matter how many hardships they had pass. I knew how an indie film goes. So for me, doing a job like that is an awesome-yet-fulfillment job. It was not an easy joke. It was a responsibility. Patience. Guts. Faith.

So, let's go back to the movie. I did expect something from the film. Even if its production was low quality, I expect that it was a terse. But I was wrong. The movie play all good but not like what I expect. I forgot to lower my expectations. Sorry. But the film, as a whole, made me realized that senior year is really a senior year. The movie was really true to life, I was touched. I laugh. I made face. I was amazed.

"High school is not the end of our lives, it is just the end of our childhood."

Mind my Business. Ü

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