Sunday, September 30, 2012

Silver Anniversary

(1987-2012) Our course Bachelor in Transportation Management celebrated our 25th year yesterday. Hooray for the silver year! Alumni gather with the whole BTM (from first to fourth year) and some of the masterminds of our course are there like Zenaida Cruz PHD and Engr. Nabor Gaviola at Sir Boy's Food Republique. It's a fun informal day where there are talks, dance, foods and more. The event start at noon and I am not late! (Congratulate me! Haha) It's more of bonding time though I'm expecting of a lot of talks from alumni like how are they now, that happened to them, etc.

BTM Reunion aka Funny friends picture taking day. Hahaha :)))))


Monday, September 24, 2012

Twin's debut

The creative and colorful invitation
Stunning twins
 I got my invitation last week to this party which is in all honesty excites me because of it's cute and literally colorful invitation. It's a bit late when I got my invitation but since the first week of September, we've been talking about this debut. I went with my best friends Ricky and Chelsi - and we're late! Yunno, "Better late than never." (Strike 2 after the PICC convention. Haha!) So there, the event start. What I like about this event is that it's not the formal debut but it has the touch of the old tradition. In exchange of 18 roses, they made it 18 chocolates, 18 candles are 18 bags and 18 treasures are 18 dresses. Oh 'di ba? Ang bongga! Hahaha. The food is great too, but what I really really like are the desserts home-made by their mom. Desserts are heaven! :))) Also, it's amazing that I've seen the twins grew into beautiful, talented, awesome and God-fearing women. So now you know why they were so blessed, it's because of the last two words before this sentence. Hope they'll stay the same as time goes by. Aside from them who are the stars of the  night, friends are everywhere! It's like a mini High school reunion, it's really fun seeing old friends.

The whole gang! HS friends :)))

Funny faces!
We went home late at night, drove with fun and with Ricky's brother, we went home safely. Thank God! I stayed at Chelsi's house but the happiness continue as we skype with Ricky like we're not together before that minute. Lots of laugh, etc. We invade the night, slept at AM and late at Monday class on school. It's okay to bunk a few class, this is life. Life is fun!


Monday, September 17, 2012

4th Annual Convention

Yeay! The convention presented by the senior class is a success. Even though a bit sarcastic.
Me on le convention
wearing Next lace blazer and sando, Skirt from cousin, Primadonna shoes, choker round necklace from the twins, and Mom's UCB orange bag
Last Saturday, we went to Philippine International Convention Center for the BTM's 4th Annual Convention. Everyone in our course is invited, so it's like a very formal acquaintance. But before that day, the weather is really bad so I had this feeling that convention's gonna be reschedule but my intuition didn't make it right. The event is rain or shine. Good thing is that the sun say hi that morning so I am eager to travel. Unfortunately, no air conditioned bus show up the whole day so I had no other choice. I went to the event safely but late. Better late than never! Hahaha.

The first speaker is almost finish about her talks when we enter the event area. And I am telling you, the event is soooo formal! As in, almost all in coats, everyone's serious and a lot more. Snacks went in, I didn't ate them all believing that there's more so I've been very hungry after the convention. Haha. Sometimes it's a bad idea to be sossy. The second speaker talk about the maritime industry, and she got me. Like I wanted to shift my dreams into it. Third speaker talk is about ITS or Intelligent Transport system - technologies, of course we are dynamic. And the last speaker cancel his appointment. Bad move. But everything is well exclude the food, the last speaker, the rain in the evening and the flood. Yes, it did flood. While we are on our way home after getting out on the train, a friend and me stop over at Jollibee. (Trivia: I am craving for Mcdonald's the whole day, and ended up on Jollibee is like a crime. Haha!) So there, we eat and chat a little but when we went out at the fast food, we are shock. And literally in state of shock that the road we are walking on just 15 minutes ago is now flooded. And another bad news, it takes me so long before I got to ride in a bus, but went home safely. Thank goodness. That's all. Anyway, here are some shots we got right after the convention, around 5PM inside PICC.
Friends Elizaldy and Yves
Friends and more!
The sophomores, BTM 2-1

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My first ukay dress!

Ukay-ukay are second hand/imported/old clothes that they sell on a cheaper price. I might not mention here before but I am finding good ukay-ukay stores in the internet 'till I found an old post from Aside from the stores, they also mention some tips about finding an ukay piece. Simple things like - you have to smell the clothes before trying, check holes, stitch, don't look rich in an ukay-ukay store 'cause they might give it on a higher price and more. They also mention stores in different areas in Manila. Biggest ukay-ukay found in Cubao. But I don't  have enough time to went on every ukay stores they said until I forgot that I want to go and try to buy at ukay-ukay. But last week, while walking with my college buddies to the nearest fast food for our lunch break, we saw this ukay-ukay near university. And we went in just to stroll a bit. Forgive me if I forgot the name of the store. It's a quite place and people are very few. Well, some clothes are really nice. My only tip for ukay buyers, be patient! You'll never know when will you see a good piece. I was at the last section of the clothes when I found the sweater (picture above). When I get it, I didn't want to put it down anymore. It looks so cute, like simple korean chic. It has a coat, you can use it like dress or a sweater. The second one (picture below), is found by my friend, but it's not really her type. When I see the dress, it tempt me a lot to buy it. It's so rock and chic. Very fabulous! But unfortunately, I didn't bring extra money that day. So what we do is that, we came back 2 days after.

I'm so lucky it's still there, on the very same place where I left it. I bought the two clothes for P250. I make tawad (ask for a lower price) to the seller.  The sweater is supposed to be P160, I got it on P150. The other one is P120, I got on P100. 

And of course, after buying, wash the clothes first. Very. Well.
I'm very excited to wear them! More post before September ends. Yay!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Skirt, so bored

Hey. What's up everyone? 

You know I just found out that everytime I blog, I do lame excuses saying "sorry Iv'e been busy." But that's always true because I got too many things stock on my head to-do. I'm busy on school cause the supposed to be midterm "week" got extended for a month. And it 's been a tough road I'm taking on right until now. But I still have time to relax, sleep (yes, but I slept 2-3 hours the night before exams) and do my things. And last Sunday, I've been very bored so I play with my clothes and do some stupid and weird things. 

My attempts to fly, so fail. I jump shot my self through camera timer. Haha!

Because of my weirdo-ness, I even found a skirt I can use on the convention I'm going to attend next week.

It ends here for now. I still have files and midterms to pass to. Hope September will be awesome! 

PS This is gonna be my first fashion post with label but I have done a DIY fashionable shirt before, check it out here.
