Monday, July 30, 2012


It goes far better than I expected.

I turned seventeen last Tuesday and I don't think of having good celebration with people. Just a simple family lunch/dinner. But this birthday is so good that it lasts for a week! Yes, another long week birthday celebration. It was fun and a great experience. My birthday is on 24th of July (Tuesday). Fortunately, I have Tuesday as my rest day in university but I still woke up early that morning to attend mass. To thank God for another year of existence, hopes and dreams and mission.

Dress, laces and stockings. Outfit for mass.
Then after the mass I went out with my mama and sister to eat lunch somewhere. Nido soup, pancit and Crispy pata. Thank you so much for their treat! After we ate, we stroll a little and buy a new book.

With Mama at Gerry's Grill

Had a hard time finding it on bookstore but I got my own copy! :)
We went home early to rest cause I had class the next day. Then the next day (Wednesday), my friends keep on teasing me and pushing me to treat them lunch cause it's my birthday. We have this "treat-us-if-its-your-birthday" thing with my college friends. I had no choice. Haha! But I'm a bit broke so I just treat them with a gallon of ice cream and Stik-O strawberry sticks which is very yummy! We almost forgot the time so we hurriedly went back to the campus for the next subject to find out that the professor won't attend the class. Then, we hang there for a while. It was a 3 hours of freedom and we decided to go karaoke for an hour. I know I'm a terrible singer but I sang a lot because it's my birthday. Haha. And I hang  out with some people for the first time that I didn't think I would hang out with. They're nice. And again, we exceeded with fun and got late for the next subject but we're still lucky to get on university before the professor comes. Though it was just a few minutes interval between us and the professor. Saved again! Because the professor forgot her materials and not in the good mood so we dismissed early! I have this good fortune the whole day. Lucky me.

Thursday and Friday is rest day. Lazy me.
Saturday, I got whole day classes. Concentrate on the class and on being student for a while.

Sunday, we went on mass. Had lunch at home with some visitors and prepare for my guests on the afternoon. It was my Uncle's idea to prepare and cook for a little celebration. Big thanks to him! I invited high school friends here at home. We eat, sing, drink and have fun. I missed every little thing about them and about high school! I'm really glad that we can still get together once in a while.

Foods! Roll cake, fried and saucy chicken, different kind of siomai, shanghai, spaghetti  and yang chao rice!
Bestfriend <3 (I'm so haggard)
Friends! Showing the entire house to them.
The people who made the day unforgettable (L-R: Chelsi, Ricky, Jenny, Me, Kurt, Dave, Jumbx and Gary) 
My sister and cousins. I look so tired!
Oreo cake from Violet's Creation
Then, Monday, classes are suspended. It means birthday is extended! Hahaha. Couple of drinks are left unopen. We gave it back to the store in exchange for... ice cream! Yeees! Did I forgot to said I don't have voice? I don't really know what happened. Maybe I ate a lot of sweets the whole week. Even before Sunday, I had this husky voice on and off. And after the party, I am voiceless. And still eat foods that I must not eat.

Anyway, I'm recovering. 

So that's how I spent the whole week. I want to thank again everyone who greeted me, gave me presents, hang out with me and went on my celebration. Thank you for everyone who made this week possible and fun. Great God, highest thanks to you!


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