Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I'm so lazy. I didn't blog for a while, I stopped my daily exercise and I ate a lot during vacation. I lose my discipline. Where the hell have I been? As I am typing this thing now I really don't know what to say but I'll just continue it anyway. Summer vacation made me spoiled like Paris Hilton (or am I exaggerating a little). I spend a lot of money, went here and there, do these and that.

I reunited with my brothers and sisters - high school friends! We went out of town for a day at Paradise Resort (somewhere in Bulacan). I haven't spend a lot of time with them during university days. And It feels good having fun with old friends and seeing they're still the same people you knew. I love them a lot. They are great people.

 We just arrived. Morning at resort.

Hotdogs and Us. Haha. Grilling hotdogs plus team work! :)

 The girls

 Swimming time!

The drowning puppies. Haha!

Farewell time :((((((((

We don't have a lot of pictures and I didn't even bring camera. Maybe we focus with each other's company. Damn, I hope there's another thing like this next year.

Next, another I-smell-a-reunion-here event. Wilma May @ 18. Oh my! She's already a lady. We went here and I didn't expect that I was giving up a speech so there, I don't even say a sentence or two. I'm one of 18 candles, the 7th if I can recall. And it was my first time so no doubt I fail to say anything. Haha! And I'm not good at speaking (stop it, you're having a lot of reason). I see friends whom I haven't seen the most, like Louis and FA and more. The night is beautiful, and so are we. Haha.

My bestfriend and I - The early birds! Haha.



    Friends! (L-R: Bim, Hurjae, Judeline, Me, Chelsi and Mel)

Swagg bessy! Haha. (L-R: Hurjae, Camela, Chelsi, Me, Dave and Judeline)

 THE UNEXPECTED CANDLE SPEECH! Haha. (Aka seconds of embarassment)


After the party, I stayed at my best friends house and I wanted to stay awake for long to have fun but I really can't get into it. So I sleep early while she was dating with her laptop. I bet she have fun too. Haha.


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