Thursday, September 6, 2012

My first ukay dress!

Ukay-ukay are second hand/imported/old clothes that they sell on a cheaper price. I might not mention here before but I am finding good ukay-ukay stores in the internet 'till I found an old post from Aside from the stores, they also mention some tips about finding an ukay piece. Simple things like - you have to smell the clothes before trying, check holes, stitch, don't look rich in an ukay-ukay store 'cause they might give it on a higher price and more. They also mention stores in different areas in Manila. Biggest ukay-ukay found in Cubao. But I don't  have enough time to went on every ukay stores they said until I forgot that I want to go and try to buy at ukay-ukay. But last week, while walking with my college buddies to the nearest fast food for our lunch break, we saw this ukay-ukay near university. And we went in just to stroll a bit. Forgive me if I forgot the name of the store. It's a quite place and people are very few. Well, some clothes are really nice. My only tip for ukay buyers, be patient! You'll never know when will you see a good piece. I was at the last section of the clothes when I found the sweater (picture above). When I get it, I didn't want to put it down anymore. It looks so cute, like simple korean chic. It has a coat, you can use it like dress or a sweater. The second one (picture below), is found by my friend, but it's not really her type. When I see the dress, it tempt me a lot to buy it. It's so rock and chic. Very fabulous! But unfortunately, I didn't bring extra money that day. So what we do is that, we came back 2 days after.

I'm so lucky it's still there, on the very same place where I left it. I bought the two clothes for P250. I make tawad (ask for a lower price) to the seller.  The sweater is supposed to be P160, I got it on P150. The other one is P120, I got on P100. 

And of course, after buying, wash the clothes first. Very. Well.
I'm very excited to wear them! More post before September ends. Yay!


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