Saturday, October 1, 2011


What happened in 9/11? I didn't even write a thing on the whole month of September. And it sickens' me so much! So I guess I have to stare at this screen again, type, read, and here you go.

So these are the top 5 things that I remembered:1. Mama went home to Philippines2. Run for a greener environment3. BTM 4th General Assembly4. Arnie's Birthdayl5. Schoolworks, etc.
* The first one happened in the 11th day of September. The whole (extended) family, (including cousins, niece, nephew), went to NAIA to pick up my Mama. At 6:20PM, the plane will alight the passengers. My cousins and I were waiting on the TV screen where you can see the people from airplanes. After how many minutes of laughters and excitement, I finally saw her. My mom. And it's really great to see her after a year. I hugged her so tight. I really missed her. I'm glad, she's now here.
My sister, Mama, Tita, and I. Going home from NAIA.

* The next Sunday, 18th day, we had a fun run at Quezon City Circle. It serves as an activity for our CWTS. That day, I'm not feeling very well. But I still dress up and show up. Bring some vitamins and medicines for myself and run. It start from 5AM to 8AM. At the end of the line, you can get a ribbon and a baller for souvenir. After we ran, we signed petitions like "No to mining in Palawan," and others. After that, we took some pictures and then Maine's father gave us a ride to our destinations. That day was tiring. Though, it was fun and I feel refresh after running. It gives me a better feeling.

College peers and I

Girls with Ma'am Tugade, our college Chairperson.
*such an honor*

BTM's people

Girls again! Haha
* 23rd day of September is the birthday of Bim, Bam, Sirrom, and Maica. And I didn't even get a chance to go and party with them because I had another commitment. It was the 3rd General Assembly of BTM (Bachelor in Transportation Management). We went at Manila Grand Opera Hotel wearing casuals'. Before that day came, I am really confused on what to wear in the said event. So, I play with my dresses, take some pictures, etc. (see the pictures).

* Arnie's Birthday is the next day after the convention. In short, the 24th.
I had classes that day but I promised to went there so after I finished my class, I went to mall and buy some gift. Then, I went to my bestfriend's house so we can both went at Arnie's in the same time. I terribly missed them, my high school mates! And I've been looking forward for that night to come because I had missed a lot of birthdays'. I meet them, again! And I was fulfilled. I also meet some of their college peers. Nothing is awesome than that night. (pictures aren't still uploaded)

Reports, term paper, speech, quiz, and FINALS! College life is fearing my life right now! Hahahah. But no worries, I can still fight for it. I won't give up on studying. And these last two weeks of the first seme, I'm gonna be buried alive. So, break a leg! :)

Mind my Business.Ü

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