Sunday, July 3, 2011


Poppers unite AGAIN! Another successful twitter brigade was ended this afternoon. It started yesterday, July 1st. Poppers need to trend "JAMLIonGGV" from 7:00 to 9:00PM. But no one knew that it will trend from a very early time, 1:00PM! Still, up to this afternoon I saw a lot of tweets from poppers and saw the "JAMLIonGGV" on the right side, trending.

That's something different about us, poppers. We don't have shows, nor events. We don't see them together in public, and we don't even see them communicating to one another. But these 'solid ties' that we've been taking care for a year made us a family. A family that will never fall apart, that will be there for one another, forever.

Bilib ako sa ating lahat dito, POPPERS FAMILY! <3

Mind my Business. Ü

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