Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Adios 2009

It was 6 hours ago since I left the year 2009. Can't believe? Even I, can't. I have a lot of topics I want to discuss here, all were lying on my mind. But while downloading songs, I here this Jesse Mcartney's "How Do You Sleep." And I felt writing about this 2009 issue.

So I went home early because of class suspension. I was finding this old wallet so I can reinvent and used it again. I found my old pictures, almost 4 years ago pictures with peers. I also found my sophomore ID in High School, a receipt from a resort we went to when I was a sophomore, a ticket from watching a basketball tournament, a concert's pass, a play's pass, a ticket for a ride-all-you-can, Smart and Globe prepaid sims, business card, and a 2009 mini calendar. So while looking at the old calendar, it was like I was looking back on the whole 2009. All the failures, trials, hardships, all the sacrifices. A lot of tears... I torn the calendar into pieces and throw it away. And now, I feel good.

This feeling is like a start of something really knew.

Mind my Business. Ü

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