Sunday, October 3, 2010

A. E. I. O. U.

This A.E.I.O.U. can help you to solve all your problems in life.

A for Accept, we have to accept every trials that we had experienced.
E for Evaluate, after accepting the hardships evaluate all the things to figure out solutions. Get out of the problem to see "what" and "where" the problem and the solution is.
I for Improve, once you experienced the tripped and you fell on the ground try to stand up. Fix things up and never try to tripped again. Learn from your experiences and reflect.
O for Offer it to God, after you improved on different things offer your problems to God and He will help you.
U for Used it, as an experience used it to change other beliefs and things. Share it to others and they can learn from it as a second hand experience.

I went to Church this morning and this is one of the Sermon that the Priest wants us to know. Problems, hardships, trials, they have solutions because God is good, all the time.

Yours truly,
Mind my Business.Ü

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