Friday, October 22, 2010

And this is what I am.

Dear Blogger,

I haven't been updated for two weeks. :( So busy, projects, activities, examinations -flood. We only have 5 months left, can I still survive? Well, I hope so. Difficulties come and go, hardships keep me from pain but I never leave them unfinished. I am so stressed right now, people around can help me but not all the time. A deeper side of mine reveals and they don't even understand. I am so depressed. My emotions eat me little by little, I don't even know if it's all in the mind. I am so exhausted. I leave the house before the sun sets and I went home without this Pebo. Well, I just want to break the silence that keep me from punishments. Tonight, I will try my very best to become even better. Everyday, I wanted to become stronger. I want the fullest for I can make my Mama really proud. I do this because of them, they are the only persons that can give colors to my life. I know, probably I can be 'someone' on the future. Discipline, responsibility, and intelligence. They can help me to get on the top of the pyramid. With God, everything can possibly happened if we would believed. I love my schooling and I won't give up. I just need to find some stuffs that I can strongly rely on especially people, everything around my side. Everything.

Yours truly,

Mind my Business.Ü

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