Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Best of 2011

First semester grade. Ann Li. Christmas. Jamli poppers. Bob Ong. Retreat. Bataan. Mama. Nigahiga. Krabs. Graduation. Kimpoy Feliciano. James Reid. College. Birthday. Prom night. Planking. High school. Semester break. Summer. 

What would be the top 10 best thing that happened in 2011? 
You’ll find it out NOW!

10. Nigahiga 
(c) Ryan Higa on Funemployed
Nigahiga, as we all know is one of the most subscribed youtuber of all time. I knew him since 2008 because of my friend, Kurt. Though, I'm not really interested to him that time. Then, time went so fast and it's now 2011. And as I was surfing the internet, I found him once again.  And this time I became really hooked with his videos, his humor and his personality. Ryan Higa is one of the best thing that happened in 2011 because in times of boredom and loneliness, I found something, someone that can make me laugh until death. Hahaha. To Ryan, I salute you for making a lot of people damn happy!

9. Prom night
Sir Marcky, one of the best adviser in the world
Top 9 is my last Promenade night in High School. Why? Because that night really went so good! The food, turn overs of senior to junior students, cottilions, dance showcase, and party was really good. Also, we had a sleepover at my friend's house and the party continued there. Drinks and foods are also amazing and the whole night is unforgettable. 

8. Summer
We look so random! Haha
2011's summer made my skin so dark. (As in black!) But it made my heart so overjoyed. Two out of town excursion happened. First was my friend's birthday (Ricky) and the second is the "See Yah Later" party (both happened at Bulacan). We really had a lot of fun!

7. Bataan
Bataan with BTM loves
The 7th best thing happened last October, our 3 days Bataan tour. Before this tour, I encountered a complicated problem. But God is really great, He gave me time to relax and refresh my self. To look on the good side of life, to have fun, to escape complicated happenings and be optimistic. (That tour was supposed to be on September but due to the strong typhoons that happened, it was postponed for a bit.) Good thing is that it happened after I knew this complicated stuff. So, it was set on a perfect date. Everything about the tour is really great except the ghost and scary parts we had encountered.

With the best people
Retreat (if your in a Catholic school) may be one of the best thing that happened in High School. For me, it's one of the best thing that happened the whole year! It made us realized how important our parents, and God was. It opened my mind to the possibilities that may happen in our lives. And for me, retreat is very important.

5. First sem grade
This is the first time that I am going to talk about my grades (in college). Let's just say that it was better than what I've expect but not so good than what I want. Maybe I have to push harder than what I did before so  I can achieve the grade that I want. 

4. High School
Farewell hug :'(
I already graduated last April 2011 and I will really missed High School. I had treasured all the moments happened when I was still High School and I will always bring it on my heart and keep it on my basin of memories that in my life, I've been a high school-er.

3. Bob Ong
This is the real Bob Ong, I swear!

I am a Bob Ong's fan since 2008 and I was really suprised that after two years, I had a conversation with him. It happened when I message his official account on Facebook (yes, he's my friend in Facebook) about the e-book I found somewhere in the internet. To be honest, it's not really my intention to message him about that stuff but piracy is really wrong. And i know deep down in my heart that Bob will be hurt. So, I let him knew about it. Weeks before I opened my account again and I am so surprised that he answered my message and he wall post me! I was like OMG. I am really surprised! The best!

2. Ann Li
The camera's date is epic. Haha, it was wrong! That day  is 11/18/2011
With some of the loyal supporters of Ann (Annlimiteds/Pops)
I'm so lucky! Ann remembered me!
I met Ann in person and she get to know me. 2 days before her play in SM Centerpoint, I went to the rehearsal of the play to see her. (Nagbaka-sakali lang ako) The first time I went on the rehearsal, I have no idea when it was exactly. So I was failed to see her. But the second time is really unforgettable. I texted the Director of the play for the exact area where they do the rehearsals and then I went there. But it wasn't that easy because the area was closed to public. Good thing is that I met some poppers (fans) outside the rehearsal's area and we are three so it's easy to go there. Some of the actors and theater artists are walking here and there. They were so close to us (in distance). And I was so starstruck!  After the rehearsal, I get to knew the other fans and Ann. That was awesome! I went late night, haha. But it's okay! :)

1. Mama
Playing with magic posps. Haha.
Mama inside the box! Haha
I can't say I can't live without her 'cause I already did. It's really hard without her. But she's just here by my side. Again. And I will love her like the unconditional love she gave to us.


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