Saturday, August 20, 2011

What am I supposed to do with my life?

I was reading Keltie’s blog when a sentence grabs my attention so much. What am I supposed to do with my life? I’m only sixteen, studying to get a bachelor’s degree, living my life as simple as I can and I am forcing myself to make the most out of it. I have dreams. I have goals in life. But what if in all of a sudden you just found out that the road that you are walking through is not the path for your dreams. Are you going to continue and crash all the dreams that you’ve made in your mind? Or are you going to leave the path, find your road, and follow your dreams? Honestly, my problem is not a big deal for you. Of course, it’s not your problem. You have no idea on what my journey is all about. But to me, it’s a BIG DEAL. It confused my everyday life! It’s like you’re talking on your own self and asking on what, when, why and how’s. I still don’t know what to do.

If I going to start again, I’m going to start from scratch. Leave my peers, be an irregular student, leave like you’re the only humankind in the world. I’m gonna be a loner. I will attend subjects that are not credited on my new curriculum. A lot of things will change.

If I’m going to continue... wait. Can I still continue?

I’m really confused right now! Sorry. I can’t make a good blog today.

Mind my Business.Ü

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What had happened for the whole week is AWESOME!

So here, internet connection is crap again. I’m loaded. And I can’t finish these things without this internet stuffs, etc. I’ve been going through here and there these few days and now I’m back to work again as an achiever student. Well, I really need to prioritize things but since I’m still waiting for the internet to be not-so-cruel tonight, I will share some things that happened for the whole week.

July 24, Sunday

It’s my birthday and I turned sixteen. For me, this day was just ordinary yet so blessed. I can’t go party-ing all day because of loaded school works. But I’d enjoyed the whole day with God and with my relatives. And I’m happy because my Mom called.

July 25, Monday

It was a National Walk-out Day for all PUP’ians. It was President Noy’s second state of the nation address and some of the iskolar ng bayan went to Batasang Pambansa to rally including some of my classmates but excluding me. The Walk-out was said to be permitted by the PUP president and our College Dean but some of professors still attended their classes, especially my professor in my last subject. This is an exhausting day because we have to attend our last subject after staying and sitting pretty for long hours.

Also, I treated my college friends at Jollibee because of my birthday.

July 26, Tuesday

Normal class again, lot of stuffs, etc. I’m tired.

July 27, Wednesday

No class but it’s still exhausting because I did a lot of things. And I found out that my peer, Niño will leave our country on Saturday. So, I panic! We are planning to have a surprise farewell party but we ran out of time because his flight is all of a sudden. We didn’t end up doing our plan A because it can’t compromise with our schooling schedules. But out of all the cram, we still and still have other plans.

July 28, Thursday

I’m cramming both with school works and farewell party. I really need to multitask. There’s lecturing professor in the front, I listen to her while texting my peers about our plan. We planned it on Friday night, after our classes. The original plan is to have a set-up snack at some place with Niño and his best friends. Then, we will surprise him on the venue (something like that). I found out that the said venue is unavailable due to floods. So, we set another venue but it ended up doing it in Niño’s place.

July 29, Friday

I don’t have class every Friday but unfortunately, I have to attend this seminar that will last until 5PM. Good thing, it ended as early as 4PM. The plan was good and we are going at Niño’s place for like, 6PM. We met near our Alma Mater, I came there at 6:30PM not knowing that there’s a typhoon and it was raining hard in Valenzuela. Then, all of us we went to Niño’s and we all look like a fresh-from-a-bath-without-wiping-ourselves-with-towel. WE ARE SURPRISED THAT WE WILL ARRIVE AT NIÑO’S PLACE LIKE WE ARE FROM SWIMMING POOLS! It was embarrassing yet funny moment because he was surprised on our looks. Fortunately, I have extra shirts and pants that day. It was raining the whole night but we’ve touched Niño’s heart because a lot of us went there, especially paulinians family. I went home early because our house is far. Some of them went home at the middle of the night (midnight). I’m happy that we still had that farewell party and I see all of them, my peers. I missed them a lot!

July 30, Saturday

I have long quiz on my class so I need to woke-up. After class, I went to hospital to visit my friend, Jomar. He was sick for the whole week and he didn’t even make it on Niño’s farewell. So, we take a visit and he’s really sick. He grows thinner and his skin was pale because of many injections... but I can see him laughing that day because of us, maybe. Thank God, he already went out last night.

July 31, Sunday

It’s a long week celebration, my best friends and I went to SM Mall of Asia to have fun. The sun is crying so we didn’t enjoy the place that much. But the important thing is, WE HAD FUN!

And now, I’m back on my schooling. I need to finish a lot of paper works. Next week will be our midterm, so... break a leg! See you all after a good week of studying. AJA!

Mind my Business.Ü