Monday, August 20, 2012

The Reunion

Hey. It's been a while. I'm not really into blogging tonight but I wanna write/share something. 

I went out earlier to watch movie with my best friend, a new Star Cinema film entitled The Reunion. I got a little excited to see the film myself for it has a good casting, an exciting story and of course, a thrilling high school fun. Cause I literally missed high school! And as I had this high expectations about the film, I can say that I didn't get disappointed. It was real fun - a total package! Good actors and actresses came out portraying roles and they give justice to each of it, they got my humor (or should I say almost all the people on the theater laugh as I did) and the story came out as a whole riot but ended up peacefully.

I don't want to spoil people who haven't watch it yet. And of course, like my review/talks about movies or books, I don't give such things that would spoil you. You know this is another damn review. But I will end up posting this. All I want you to know is that you have to watch the film, especially with peers or barkadas because it will tighten your friendships. You won't regret watching it.

PS. Kudos to Mr. Franco Mortiz for this fantastic film!
