Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy 17th Birthday Ann Li!

Hi. Girl, you just caught my eye.

This is going to be my first post in this year. And for this to be so memorable, I will dedicate this post for the prettiest living doll on the earth, Ann. Happy Birthday!

Diligent daughter of Taiwan
It was 2010 when I first knew about this girl on a reality show called Pinoy Big Brother. I don't know if its just me (or maybe some of you also) but I always notice her even if I barely see her on screen. And because of that, I started to watch her on live stream, Youtube, and others. Days had passed and she have shared skills and talents inside Big Brother's house. Unfortunately, she got evicted before the big night. But that doesn't mean that we, supporters, will give up.

After leaving the PBB house, she still made all the efforts to proved herself. And she never failed to make us fans very proud!

*Shorty Award 2011 "Oscar for Twitter" - Fashion category
Mar. 2011

*ASAP Pop Viewers Choice 2010 - Tween Popsies category(James Reid and Ann Li = JAMLI) 
Nov. 2010

*Gold and Silver Medals - Ice Skating Competition at MOA
Oct. 2010

Credits. (

God have been very great to me that He gave me a chance to meet Ann Li in person! Actually, ever since 2010, I've been dying to see her (on her mall shows, TV guesting, fans get together) but chances are, maybe not for me, before. And then the time comes... before 2011 ends, I had the chance not only to see her, but to talk to her, as well as with this amazing poppers. It was November 18, 2011 at the rehearsal of Basketball Fight in SM San Lazaro. The first time that I saw her, I didn't speak. I remembered the feeling when I met my favorite band (P!ATD), very same unusual feeling of being starstruck.

Ann Li, chuvachoochoo.
Annlimiteds, some of the best people on earth.
I've only seen Ann twice and I can say that she's one of the coolest person you'll ever know. I am looking forward to see her again.

For Ann,
Thank you so much for being warm, friendly, awesome and the most important is for being who you are. You may not reply to my tweets or respond to my comments but doesn't matter. All I want you to know is that, when the world turns its back on you, a fan like me will remain. Through thick and thin. Through worst and not. I will always be the same fan you used to know. A fan who will support you and respect your decisions. Ann, I know your not a perfect person and I accept that bravely. It's okay if things might change, but it's better if things will change for good. Be fashionably diligent in life and I will pray for your success. I love you so much! Happy Birthday Ann Li! May God bless you!


Credits for the photos: Aubrey Torre, Diane Crystal Soriano and Ann Li
(I post this today 'cause I will not be able to post this tomorrow.)